伊斯曼 柯达 Eastman Kodak, Rochester 生产,序列号 2063, 柯达历史上最有价值的相机之一, 带可换镜头,后背可更换, 帘幕式快门最高达1/1000秒。带 1.9/50mm Ektar镜头, 编号 EY 339 和 3.5/90mm Ektar镜头, 编号 EY 328, 及说明书(复印件)。功能正常! 柯达历史上里程碑式的相机!
Eastman Kodak, Rochester. No. 2063. A high-precision Kodak camera, for interchangeable lenses and magazine backs, focal plane shutter 1–1/1000 sec. With Ektar 1,9/50 mm, no. EY 339 and Ektar 3,5/90 mm, no. EY 328 and instruction manual (copy). – High-end Kodak milestone camera in good working condition!
Eastman Kodak, Rochester. No. 2063. A high-precision Kodak camera, for interchangeable lenses and magazine backs, focal plane shutter 1–1/1000 sec. With Ektar 1,9/50 mm, no. EY 339 and Ektar 3,5/90 mm, no. EY 328 and instruction manual (copy). – High-end Kodak milestone camera in good working condition!