Scovill & Adams 书本式间谍相机,约1892年

发表于 2014-04-30 15:26 上一篇 下一篇

Scovill & Adams, USA 制造,博物馆级藏品,当时极其罕见的间谍相机。相机外形制作成三本皮面书籍,中间有皮带系住。
书 脊上写有 "French, Latin, Shadows". 内有序列号"2". 带广角镜头和光圈挡板。下落式快门(guillotine shutter)由一根小细线控制,胶片尺寸为4x5英寸页片,片匣由中间插入,对焦屏在后面。相机功能完好,正常工作,未做过整修,全世界目前仅存6 台。
参考书籍:Michel Auer, "150 ans d'appareils photographiques", no. 91. – Michel Auer, "Kameras gestern und heute", p. 92. – And: Todd Gustavson,
"A History of Photography from Daguerreotype to Digital", George Eastman House, p. 103.


Scovill & Adams Book Camera, 1892 Scovill & Adams, USA. One of the rarest of all the detective cameras! Disguised as a stack of 3 books, titled: French, Latin, Shadows. With original leather carrying strap. Wide-angle lens with variable stop, guillotine shutter (working), ground glass finder, photograph format 4 x 5 in. (1 cassette inside), stamped "2" inside. Camera in original unrestored working condition. – Very attractive exhibition piece and desirable collectors item! Museum piece! Only 6 examples known worldwide! – Literature: Michel Auer, "150 ans d'appareils photographiques", no. 91. – Michel Auer, "Kameras gestern und heute", p. 92. – And: Todd Gustavson, "A History of Photography from Daguerreotype to Digital", George Eastman House, p. 103.

