De Neck 制造的礼帽式间谍相机 1885年
预估价:€ 14000-20000 欧元
起拍价:€ 8000 欧元
€ 9837.36 欧元
成色 定义参照下列标准: 1 - 非常好 (未使用过,没有使用痕迹) 2 -
好 (新,极少的使用痕迹) 3 - 满意的 (普通的使用痕迹) 4 -
及格的 (明显的使用痕迹,某个非主要部件是后配的) 5 - 有缺陷的 (极明显的使用痕迹,
某个主要部件是后配的,功能上有缺陷,需要修理) 6 - 非常差 (严重破损, 缺少重要部件)
成色 定义参照下列标准: 1 - 非常好 (未使用过,没有使用痕迹) 2 -
好 (新,极少的使用痕迹) 3 - 满意的 (普通的使用痕迹) 4 -
及格的 (明显的使用痕迹,某个非主要部件是后配的) 5 - 有缺陷的 (极明显的使用痕迹,
某个主要部件是后配的,功能上有缺陷,需要修理) 6 - 非常差 (严重破损, 缺少重要部件)
由比利时安特卫普 的N. J. De Neck 制造的礼帽式间谍相机。次款相机之前只是在广告和专利杂志上能见到。这次是第一次公开出现。De Neck的礼帽式间谍相机带有6块4.5x5.8cm的干版底片,底片仓安装在相机的背部。相机上还连带一个黑色的换片袋,这样可以在每次曝光后立即换片继续拍。镜头为Steinheil Landschafts-Aplanat, 58mm. 快门只有1/25 一档。相机大小约为5x6x9cm。 相机可以放置在礼帽的内部,礼帽上留有一个小孔为拍摄所用,快门由一根沿礼帽内壁垂出的细线控制。De Neck礼帽间谍相机当时售价130法郎。 此次是这件珍品在世界范围内的第2次露面。
J. de Neck, Antwerp. Excerpt from "Antique Cameras '78" by Uwe H. Breker, Cologne: "Up to now, it has only been known from advertizing and patents that various hat cameras must have existed in the second half of the last century. Therefore, this is the first time that a picture of an original hat camera can be shown. J. de Neck, Antwerp, Belgium, designed this hat camera which till now is the only specimen extant of this type of secret camera. De Neck's hat camera operated with 6 dry plates which in 4.5 x 5.8 cm format were housed back to back on three plate racks at the rear of the camera and with the changing bag had to be changed after each exposure. The lens – a Steinheil Landschafts- Aplanat – measures 58 mm. The shutter has only one speed: about 1/25 sec. The dimensions of the camera are 5 x 6 x 9 cm. It was mounted inside the hat's front. Exposures were taken through a small hole in the hat. The shutter was released by pulling a string hanging out at one side of the hat. A viewfinder could be fitted at the front of the hat brim. Van N eck, Brussels, Belgium, sold this camera for 130 Frs.
J. de Neck, Antwerp. Excerpt from "Antique Cameras '78" by Uwe H. Breker, Cologne: "Up to now, it has only been known from advertizing and patents that various hat cameras must have existed in the second half of the last century. Therefore, this is the first time that a picture of an original hat camera can be shown. J. de Neck, Antwerp, Belgium, designed this hat camera which till now is the only specimen extant of this type of secret camera. De Neck's hat camera operated with 6 dry plates which in 4.5 x 5.8 cm format were housed back to back on three plate racks at the rear of the camera and with the changing bag had to be changed after each exposure. The lens – a Steinheil Landschafts- Aplanat – measures 58 mm. The shutter has only one speed: about 1/25 sec. The dimensions of the camera are 5 x 6 x 9 cm. It was mounted inside the hat's front. Exposures were taken through a small hole in the hat. The shutter was released by pulling a string hanging out at one side of the hat. A viewfinder could be fitted at the front of the hat brim. Van N eck, Brussels, Belgium, sold this camera for 130 Frs.
成色 定义参照下列标准: 1 - 非常好 (未使用过,没有使用痕迹) 2 -
好 (新,极少的使用痕迹) 3 - 满意的 (普通的使用痕迹) 4 -
及格的 (明显的使用痕迹,某个非主要部件是后配的) 5 - 有缺陷的 (极明显的使用痕迹,
某个主要部件是后配的,功能上有缺陷,需要修理) 6 - 非常差 (严重破损, 缺少重要部件)