Bellieni Stereo Folding Camera, 1892...
Bellieni Jumelle Stéréo (6 x 13 cm), c. 1903...
Bellieni Jumelle Stéréo Panoramique (8 x 16),...
Le Stéréocycle (6 x 6,5), 1898...
Minimus (6 x 13 cm), c. 1910...
Le Stéréo-Panoramique Leroy (6 x 13), 1905...
Le Stereocycle, c. 1898...
Sténo-Jumelle Stéréoscopique (8 x 16), c. 189...
Monobloc Simplifié (45 x 107), c. 1920...
Monobloc Stéréo Panoramique (6 x 13), c. 1920...
Zionscope (45 x 107), c. 1900...
Gaumont ...
Stéréo-Photo-Sport Dubroni, c. 1889...
Photo-Jumelle Stereo Camera, c. 1890...
Prototype Verascope F 40, c. 1950...
Stereo Rollfilm Camera by Max Balbreck, c. 18...
Verascope (45 x 107), Second Model, with Tran...
Stereo Camera (4,5 x 13) by Dumaige, Paris, c...
Fetter Stéréo, c. 1901...
Naudin Orama Stereo Camera, c. 1902...
Francia (De Luxe) 9 x 18 cm, c. 1903...
Dr. Doyen's Deplide Stereo Camera, c. 1903...
Papillon by M. Molénat, 1908...
Cornu Ontoscope 3D, c. 1938...
Cornu Ontoscope Series 6R (6 x 13), c. 1936...
Nil Melior (6 x 13), c. 1920...
Monobloc (6 x 13) with Tele-Lenses, c. 1920...
Unrecorded Stereo Box Camera, c. 1905...
French Wet-Plate Stereo Camera, c. 1870...
Stereo Field Camera (13 x 18 cm), c. 1892...
Stereo Reflex Primar (6 x 13), c. 1920...
Tropical Deckrullo Stereo (6 x 13), c. 1923...
Contessa Nettel Duchessa Stereo (45 x 107), c...
Contessa Nettel Citoskop (45 x 107), c. 1924...
Altiscop, c. 1937...
Contessa Nettel Duchessa (Focal Plane Shutter...
Heag VI Stereo (6 x 13), c. 1906...
Bob V Stereo, 1909...
Ernemann Stereo-Reflex, c. 1913...
Very Rare Stereo Ernoflex, c. 1925...
Liliput Stereo (45 x 107), 1919...
Ernoflex Stereo Simplex, c. 1926...
Mentor Stereo Reflex (45 x 107), c. 1915...
Stereo Tenax (45 x 107), c. 1912...
Hüttig Stereo-Panorama Lloyd (6 x 13), 1907...
Ica-Stereo-Minimum-Palmos (6 x 13), c. 1924...
Ica Polyskop 607/3 (45 x 107), 1922...
Dreiverschluß-Stereo-Panorama-Camera (10 x 15...
Ica Stereolette-Cupido 620, c. 1912...
Polyscop No. 608, c. 1915...
Stereo Panorama Lloyd, c. 1909...
Ica-Tropica-Stereo (10 x 15), c. 1910...
Ica Stereo-Panorama ...
Kronos Stereo Camera (45 x 107), c. 1920...
Dr. Krügener's Delta-Stereo-Camera, c. 1903...
Dr. Krügener's Plastoscop, c. 1905...
Stereoplast (45 x 107), c. 1920...
Linos Stereo (9 x 18), c 1898...
Linhof Stereo-Panorama-Kamera (10 x 15), c. 1...
Nettel Stereax (45 x 107), c. 1919...
Stereo Makina (45 x 107), 1912...
Rietzschel Clack-Stereo with First Compound S...
Unknown Rodenstock Stereo Camera, c. 1910...
Stereo-Hand-Camera (10 x 15), c. 1911...
Stegemann Hand Stereo Camera (9 x 18), c. 189...
Steinheil Altostereo-Quart II, 1904–05...
Stereoskop (45 x 107), First Model, c. 1905...
Reicka Dreiverschluß-Camera (10 x 15), c. 190...
Stereo-Palmos 9 x 12, c. 1905...
Ica-Polyskop (6 x 13), c. 1928...
Iloca Stereo (1st Version), c. 1950...
Bench-Built Stereo Camera (24 x 30), c. 1940...
Stereo Detective Camera by E. Suter, c. 1897...
Kern Small Stereo, c. 1930...
Stereo Camera with Folding-Bed Body (9 x 18),...
35mm Stereo Camera (Handmade)...
Stereo Rocca, 1955...
Stereo Reflex Camera ...
Simple Metal Stereo Camera, c. 1890...
Twin Lens Reflex (Stereo) ...
Lechner Stereo Camera (9 x 18), c. 1895...