Voigtländer Petzval Portrait Lens, c. 1854...
Voigtländer Euryscope IV No. 6 3 ½ Zoll, 27.3...
Voigtländer Petzval Portrait Lens, c. 1859...
Voigtländer Petzval Portrait Lens 11 Zoll, c....
"Voigtlaender" Microscope, c. 1920...
2 x Voigtländer Bergheil and other Plate Came...
Stereflektoskop 45 x 107, c. 1922...
Bessa II with Color-Heliar, 1951...
Prominent (I) and other Voigtländer Cameras...
Prominent I Outfit, 1955...
Prominent II (Like New!), 1959...
Voigtländer Superb (Interim Version) with Hel...
Voigtländer Superb ...