Contemporary Mirror Zoetrope...
Mechanical Thaumatrope...
Miniature Zoetrope, c. 1890...
"Delft Blue" Wall Tile with Peep Show Scene...
Polyorama Panoptique, c. 1850...
Desk Set with Stanhope Quillpen...
Lithophane Portable Holder and Lithophane Pla...
19 x "Vues Photoscopiques"18,8 x 19 cm, c. 18...
5 Spatiographs (Obelisk Prism)...
Camera Lucida "P. Berville, Paris", c. 1900...
Zoetrope, c. 1900...
Camera-Obscura Lens in Wooden Mount, c. 1780...
Multiplex Hologram, c. 1970–75...