Hartnack Lens and Field Camera...
2 Plaubel Makina Cameras, c. 1930...
Tropen-Adoro (230/7) 9 x 12 cm, 1927...
Universal Pattern Special B, Autumn 1900...
3 Ernemann Cameras, 1920 onwards...
6 Folding Cameras with Ica Background, 1908-2...
3 Tropical Folding Cameras for 9 x 12 cm, c. ...
Dr. Krügener 9 x 12 cm Cameras, 1895 onwards...
Small Plate- and Rollfilm Cameras...
Large Graphoscope, 10 Cameras and 5 Lenses, 1...
Tailboard Camera for 18 x 24 cm, c. 1900...
4 Focal-Plane Cameras, 1920 onwards...
Ica Reflex Tudor 756, c. 1924...