Early Landscape Lens by W. Morley, c. 1850-55...
Voigtländer Portrait Euryscop III 4a, c. 1889...
Pantoscop No. 3, c. 1875...
Kranz Portrait Lens No. 1062, c. 1860...
Derogy Réctilinéaire Aplanétique No. 4 ½, c. ...
A. Grubb Patent Aplanatic Landscape Lens, c. ...
Rigonar 4,5 No. 4 F = 240 mm by Knoll, c. 190...
3 Lenses by Ross, London...
12 Modern Lenses for Large Format, 1950-1989...
6 Large-Format Lenses, 1910-1950...
8 Shutters, 1930-1980...
Protar Lenses, 1900-1910 onwards...
12 x Zeiss Jena Tessar 4,5/300 mm, c. 1991...
12 x Zeiss Jena Tessar 4,5/180 mm, c. 1991...
3 Brass Lenses, 1900 onwards...
Astro Berlin Polyfotar 210 mm, c. 1930...
Noflexar 5,6/40 cm with C-Mount Adapter...
Tele-Ennalyt 400 mm, Trioplan and Primotar, c...
Heliar 4,5/30 cm, c. 1960...
O.I.P. Anastigmat Labor 4,3/440 mm, c. 1930...
Darlot "Trousse Anachromatique d'Atelier de M...
Jamin: Objectif Double à Cone Centralisateur,...
Taylor Hobson Aerial Lens 12 in. f/4, c. 1950...
Cooke Series XV Convertible Anastigmat 6,8/31...
Zeiss APO-Germinar 12/1000 mm, c. 1989...
Petzval-Type Lens by ...