Very Early Siemens & Halske Butterstamp Telep...
4 Bell-Type Telephone Handsets, 1877 onwards...
4 Bell-Type Telephone Handsets, 1877 onwards...
Very Early Siemens & Halske Butterstamp Telep...
L.M. Ericsson, Butterstamp Telephone with Whi...
L.M. Ericsson Model BC 2050 Telephone, c. 189...
L.M. Ericsson Model BC 2000 Telephone, c. 189...
Bavarian Wall Telephone by Wetzer, c. 1900...
Mix & Genest OB 04 Wall Telephone, c. 1904...
Bavarian Wall Telephone by Heller, c. 1900...
Ladies Telegraph Conversation Fan, 1796...
First Siemens & Halske Butterstamp Telephone,...
3 German Table Telephones, c. 1900–10...
Bavarian Table Telephone Model EB 08 by Alois...
Figure of "Le Téléphone", c. 1920...
3 German Table Telephones...
Automatic Exchange from the Deutsche Reichspo...
2 Table Telephones...
3 Candlestick Telephones, c. 1925...
Enamel Sign "Telegraphenhilfstelle", c. 1900...
Art-Nouveau Intercom Telephone, 1914...
Very Early Siemens & Halske Butterstamp Telep...
Enamel Sign "Posthilfstelle", c. 1900...
Ericsson Model AC 300 Table Telephone, 1902 o...
6 Telephone and Telegraph Cable Cutaway Model...
Kais. Postagentur Enamel Sign, c. 1900...
Telephone Switchboard with Dial, c. 1918...
Telephone Switchboard with Dial, c. 1918...
Mix & Genest Wall Telephone with Janus Switch...
Siemens & Halske Wall Telephone, c. 1910...
German Wall Telephone with Battery Compartmen...
Ericsson Model AB 505 Wall Telephone, c. 1895...
Skeleton Telephone Model AC 110 by L.M. Erics...
Skeleton Telephone by Ericsson Beeston, c. 19...
4 Bell-Type Telephone Handsets, 1877 onwards...
Bavarian Wall Telephone by Heller, c. 1900...
Intercom Telephone with 25-part Number Switch...
Telephone Switchboard Model 07, 1907...
Original Bell Telephone, c. 1880...
Ericsson Wall Telephone with Helical Micropho...
Bavarian Model EB 08 Table Telephone by Alois...
Wall Telephone by Krüger, c. 1900...
3 Candlestick Telephones, c. 1925...
Skeleton Telephone Model AC 110 by L.M. Erics...
3 German Table Telephones...
3 German Table Telephones...
3 Early Microphones...
Ericsson "Coffin" Wall Telephone, c. 1880...
Coffee Grinder Desk Telephone by L.M. Ericsso...
5 German Table Telephones with Metal Cases...
Italian Onyx Floor Telephone, c. 1960...
5 German Table Telephones with Metal Cases...
W. Gurtl Model M1903 Wall Telephone, 1903 onw...
Bavarian Wall Telephone by Zettler, c. 1900...
Ericsson Model AB 650 Wall Telephone, 1893 on...
Extremely Rare No. 10 "Tunnan" (Barrel) Table...
2 Bell-Type Telephones, c. 1877...
2 German Desk Telephones...
32 Toy Telephones, c. 1925–50...
3 German Postal Uniforms, c. 1900...
French Desk Telephone by Berliner à Paris, c....
Intercom Telephone by Ericsson, c. 1900...
Telephone Switchboard and Test Center...
6 German Dial Telephones...
German DeTeWe Wall Telephone, c. 1904...
2 French Wall Telephones, c. 1910...
Intercom Telephone for 5 Lines, c. 1925...
Wall Telephone Set by Schuchhardt, 1896 onwar...
Norwegian Wall Telephone by "Elektrisk Bureau...
Siemens & Halske Intercom Telephone, c. 1918...
German Wall Telephone Model M 1900, dated 190...
Skeleton Telephone by L.M. Ericsson, 1892...
Siemens & Halske Naval Telephone, c. 1920...
Demonstration Model of an Early Carbon Grain ...
6 Early Microphones...
Wall Telephone by Berliner, c. 1900...
Siemens & Halske Model M1904 Wall Telephone, ...
Model M1900 Wall Telephone, 1900 onwards...
Telephone Handsets and Microphones, 1877 onwa...
Gurtl Model Stf. M. 04 Wall Telephone, 1904 o...
Siemens & Halske Model M1903 Wall Telephone, ...
Wall Telephone by Siemens & Halske, 1893 onwa...
Belgian Wall Telephone with Blake Transmitter...
2 Candlestick Telephones, c. 1925...
American Candlestick Telephone with Coin Box,...
Wall Telephone by Groos & Graf, 1893 onwards...
Model 1893 Wall Telephone by Krüger, c. 1902...
M 93 Wall Telephone, c. 1900...
Wall Telephone with Carbon Pencil Microphone,...
Very Rare Deluxe Telephone by Elektrisk Burea...
Württemberg Wall Telephone, c. 1895...
Bell-Type Telephone, c. 1880...
3 Early Microphones...
Siemens & Halske M89 Wall Telephone, c. 1890...
Rare French Desk Telephone "Le Trefle", 1906...
12 Novelty Telephones, c. 1970–90...
Telephone Exchange of the German Imperial Tel...
Siemens & Halske Paper Tape Puncher T.loch.1m...
Bavarian Wall Telephone Station by Reiner, 18...
Württemberg Model TW 81 Wall Telephone, 1881 ...
2 Belgian Desk Telephones...
Two Ericsson Table Telephones, c. 1912...
Wall Telephone Set by W. Gurtl, 1896 onwards...
Swedish Wall-Type Intercom by L.M. Ericsson, ...
8 Special Portable Telephones...
Two Early German Wall Telephones...
German Mix & Genest Telephone, c. 1895...
Ericsson Desk Telephone, made in Moscow, c. 1...
German Siemens & Halske Wall Telephone, 1882...
Bavarian Wall Telephone Station by Reiner, 18...
2 Early Telephones...
Western Electric Co. Telephone Operators Swit...
Siemens & Halske Wall Telephone, 1891 onwards...
L.M. Ericsson Skeleton Telephone No. 370/AC10...
Swiss OB Table Telephone by Bell/Hasler, c. 1...
Bavarian Wall Telephone Station by Reiner, 18...
Figural Pair "Le Téléphone" and "Le Télégraph...