Perspective View and "Day and Night" Vue d’Op...
2 Peep Eggs, c. 1880...
Daguerreotype and Ambrotype, c. 1850...
2 Daguerreotypes and 2 Ambrotypes, c. 1850...
Magic Lantern with Original Case, c. 1880...
Lampascope Carré Magic Lantern, c. 1880...
Rolleiflex 6 x 6 and 4 x 4 Cameras, c. 1929...
Peeters Magazine Camera, c. 1895...
3 Tailboard Cameras 13 x 18 cm, c. 1900...
ICA Projector, c. 1920...
Voigtländer Euryscop and Wanau Aplanat Lenses...
Robot Royal 36 Dummy...
Rolleicord Vb and Rolleiflex 2,8 C Cameras...
The Photographer's Birdie, c. 1900...
Studio Camera with Tripod, c. 1920...
Heidoscop 6 x 13 Stereo Camera, June/July 192...
Svensson Folding Camera Stella, c. 1905...
Bellieni Jumelle 8 x 16 cm Stéréo Panoramique...
Le Plistero Stereo Viewer, c. 1910...
Book-form Stereo Set of Italy with Guide Book...
Folding 9 x 18 cm Stereo Viewer, c. 1900...
Stereo Puck Camera, c. 1925...
Bessa-L with Heliar 4,5/15 mm Aspherical Lens...
Stereo Testing Viewer Ortho-Rater, c. 1950...
3 Cameras...
Ambi Silette Cutaway Model, c. 1956...
Sinar Norma 4 x 5 and 5 x 7 Inch Equipment...
Bermpohl Studio Camera, c. 1955...
First Edition: "A Million and one Nights", 19...