计算工具 (Calculating Machines and Devices)...
信息处理 (Data Processing)...
密码机 (Cipher Machines)...
军用通讯设备 (Armed Force Telecommunications)...
远程通讯工具 (Telecommunication)...
办公用具和设施 (Office Equipment and Furniture)...
打字机 (Typewriters)...
机动车和自行车 (Automobilia & Bikes)...
航空用具 (Aircraft Motoring)...
男人用品 (Men\'s Affairs)...
家居用品 (Household and Living Appliances)...
科学仪器和实验室用品 (Scientific Instruments and Labora...
显微镜 (Microscopes)...
光学仪器 (Optical Instruments)...
测量工具 (Surveying Instruments)...
电气技术 (Electrical Engineering)...
文献 (Contemporary Documents)...
古老行业工具 (Tools of old Professions)...
制图工具 (Drawing Instruments)...
印刷机和装订机 (Printer and Bookbinder)...
美国专利申请模型 (U.S.Patent Models and Salesman Samp...
医药技术 (Pharmacy and Medical Technology)...
度量衡工具 (Scales & Weights)...
广告用品 (Advertising Material)...
自动贩卖机和自动游戏机 (Vending and Gambling Machines)...
收音机和电视机 (Radio and TV Sets)...
钟表 (Clocks and Watches etc.)...
迷你游乐场 (Fairground Miniatures)...
机械乐器 (Mechanical Music Instruments)...
气动乐器 (Pneumatical Musical Instruments)...
盘片音乐盒 (Disc Musical Boxes)...
滚筒音乐盒 (Cylinder Musical Boxes)...
滚筒留声机 (Phonographs)...
唱片留声机 (Gramophones)...
自动玩偶音乐机 (Musical Doll Automata)...
自动玩偶 (Automata)...
铅皮玩具 (Tin Toys etc.)...
储蓄罐 (Money Banks)...
火车模型 (Model Trains)...
蒸汽火车 (Steam Engines)...