Early Musical Silver Pocket Watch by Le Roy, ...
Musical Gold Pendant, c. 1815...
Musical Portico Clock by Blant, c. 1855...
Large Chalet Musical Box, c. 1880...
Musical Picture Clock, c. 1850...
Musical Traveling Case and Sewing Necessaire,...
Early Musical Sewing Necessaire, c. 1830...
Rare Musical Compendium or ...
2 Bohemian Musical Boxes, c. 1830-50...
Exceptional 18-Carat Gold and Enamel Musical ...
Rare "Laurencekirk" Musical Sur-Plateau Snuff...
Tinplate Souvenir Musical Box of Zürich, c. 1...
Rare Silver-Gilt Musical Snuff Box by Bruguie...
14-Carat Musical Gold Fob, c. 1815...
Tabatière Musical Box in Painted Tin Case, c....
Musical Snuff Box by Alibert, c. 1840...
3 Tabatière Musical Boxes in Unusual Cases, c...
Rare Large Sur-Plateau Musical Snuff Box, 181...
Musical Tobacco Box, c. 1830...
Musical Snuff Box by Martinet et Benoit, c. 1...
2 Attractive Tabatière Musical Boxes, c. 1870...
"Le Monde des Automates", 1928...
3 Tabatière Musical Boxes...
Austrian Musical Clock with Rzebitschek Movem...
8-Carat Musical Gold Fob, c. 1815...
Musical Silver Pocket Watch...
Rare Prototype Musical Silver Snuff Box, c. 1...
Musical Watch with Alarm by L'Epée, c. 1885...
Rare 8-Carat Gold and Enamel Musical Pendant,...
Fine Musical Carriage Clock, c. 1820...
10 Cylinder Musical Movements for Spares/Rest...
Lot of Cylinder Musical Movements...
9 Musical Box Movements and Cases for Spares/...
2 Musical Photograph Albums, late 19th Centur...
Unusual Musical 'Carriage Watch', c. 1820...
2 Early Viennese Musical Movements, c. 1830...
2 Musical Snuff Boxes for Restoration, 1830s ...
18-Carat Gold Musical Sur-Plateau Pocket Watc...
Fine Palais Royale Musical Piano-Form Sewing ...
Tortoiseshell Musical Snuffbox, c. 1820...
Tabatière Musical Box by Henri Capt, c. 1830...
Rare Musical Pocket Watch with Cylinder Movem...
7 Manivelle Musical Boxes, early 20th Century...
Musical Clock Base by Jos. Olbrich, c. 1860...
Exceptional 18-Carat Gold and Enamel Musical ...
Fine Musical Sewing Necessaire, c. 1830...
Early Sur-Plateau Musical Silver Snuff Box, c...
Austrian Musical Pocket Watch, c. 1820...
7 Manivelle Musical Boxes...
Early Silver-Gilt Musical Snuff Box, c. 1817...
Early Musical Snuff Box in Prague Case, c. 18...
Rare Overture-Format Musical Snuff Box by F. ...
Rare Two-Per-Turn Tabatière Musical Box, c. 1...
Rare Sur-Plateau Musical Silver Etui, c. 1819...
Early Musical Silver Basket, c. 1820...
Musical Tobacco Box Souvenir of "Manheim", c....
Rare Overture-Format Musical Snuff Box by Mar...
2 Musical Snuff Boxes, c. 1840s...
Gilt-Metal Musical Fob, c. 1815...
"Laurencekirk" Musical Snuffbox, c. 1820...
Sur-Plateau Musical Silver Snuff Box, c. 1819...
Musical Pocket Watch with Alarm, c. 1885...
Early Musical Clock Base with Zig-Zag Comb, c...
Early Musical Snuff Box by F. Nicole with Not...
2 Austrian Musical Boxes, c. 1830-40...
Rare Large 'Salesman's Sample' Musical Box by...
3 Tabatière Musical Boxes for Restoration, c....
4 Musical Sewing and Jewelry Boxes, 19th Cent...
Musical Portico Clock with Fusee Movement, c....
2 Musical Snuff Boxes for Restoration...
2 Musical Alarm Clocks, c. 1920...
3 Large Tabatière Musical Boxes, c. 1890-1900...
Musical Traveling Case Retailed by Baker Trol...
Musical Snuff Box by Cuendet, c. 1870,...
Musical Dancing "Giselle" Automaton, c. 1930...
Miniature Changeable Musical Box by L'Epée, c...
Musical Snuff Box, c. 1850...
Part of a "Dancing Lesson" Automaton by F. Rz...
Books about Musical Clocks and other Mechanic...
Large Group of Mechanical Music Books...
3 Works on Austrian Musical Boxes...
Books about Automata, Singing Bird Boxes and ...
Mechanical Music Illustrations, early 19th Ce...
5 Manivelle Musical Boxes...
"Laurencekirk" Musical Snuff Box, c. 1819...
4 Tabatière Musical Boxes...
2 Early Musical Movements, c. 1820...
Musical Carriage Clock, c. 1820 onwards...
Fine 18-Carat Gold Musical Vinaigrette, c. 18...
3 Musical Boxes...
2 Large Manivelle Musical Boxes, late 19th Ce...
Austrian Musical Movement by A. Maly, c. 1895...
4 Musical Books...
2 Tabatière Musical Boxes...
Rare Cylinder Musical Box by Hausleiter, 1822...
Interchangeable Musical Box by Junghans, c. 1...
Musical Harmonium-Form Necessaire, c. 1910...
2 Japanese Cylinder Musical Boxes...
Viennese Musical Portico Clock, c. 1820...
Rare Gilt-Metal Musical Seal, c. 1815...
Auto-Multiphone Musical Box by Charles Ullman...
Fine Musical Sewing Necessaire by F. Nicole, ...
14-Carat Gold Musical Fob, c. 1820...
2 Books onMechanical Singing Birds...
5 Rare Books about Mechanical Music Instrumen...
"Les Automates - Figures Artificielles d'Homm...
"The Music Box" Reference Library, 1962-2017...
Musical Cathedral Clock, c. 1860...
Early Viennese Musical Movement, c. 1840...
4 Tabatière Musical Boxes for Restoration, la...
Musical Snuff Box, c. 1830...
Musical Clavichord-Form Sewing Necessaire, c....
Rare Musical Sewing Compendium with Fusee Mov...
Exceptional 18-Carat Curved Musical Gold Snuf...
3 Musical Boxes in Decorated Tin Cases, c. 18...
Palais Royale Musical Sewing Necessaire, c. 1...
Fine Dutch Musical Sewing Compendium, c. 1820...
Musical Sur-Plateau Watch Movement for Restor...
2 Small Musical Movements, c. 1860-1880...
Mechanical Music Novelties...
Early Musical Snuff Box, c. 1820...
"Mechanical Music" Reference Library, 1954-20...
Books about Cylinder Music Boxes and early Me...
Books about Mechanical Music Instruments in G...
Books about Mechanical Music Instruments in D...
"Das Mechanische Musikinstrument", Volumes 1-...
Mechanical Music Correspondence, c. 1885 onwa...
Mechanical Music Advertising and Ephemera, c....
Mechanical Music Postcards and Ephemera, c. 1...
Tune-Sheets and Operating Instructions for Me...
"La Publicité Art du XX Siecle, Automates" an...
Ephemera - "Ste-Croix et environs", early 19...
Documentation on the Pierre Jaquet-Droz Andro...
Mechanical Music Advertising and Ephemera, c....
Group of Horological Literature...
2 Tabatière Musical Boxes in Pictorial Cases,...
Musical Alarm Clock, c. 1910 and later...
Portico Clock with Musical Movement by M. Bor...
Pair of Black Forest Musical Coat Hooks, c. 1...
Early Laurencekirk Musical Snuff Box for Rest...
Fine Musical Sewing Necessaire, c. 1825...
Stacked Cylinder Musical Box by Harmonie, c. ...
Cylinder Musical Box by Rzebitschek, c. 1840s...
Musical Marotte, c. 1910...
Musical Sewing Necessaire, c. 1850...
Rare Musical Desk Garniture with Transitional...
2 Musical Snuff Boxes, c. 1830s...
Fine 14-Carat Gold Musical Box by Moulinié, B...
Viennese Enameled Musical Furniture, mid-20th...
2 Musical Snuff Boxes in Composition Cases, c...
Piano-form Musical Sewing Necessaire, c. 1850...
Unusual Small "Harpe Eolienne" Musical Box, c...
Early Musical Silver Snuff Box, c. 1819...
Key-Wind Musical Box, c. 1835...
Early Musical Snuff Box, c. 1820...
Musical Sewing Necessaire, c. 1850...
Rare Book-Form Musical Box by Gustav Rebíček ...
Musical Clock by Robert with Prototype Cylind...
Musical Sewing Necessaire, c. 1840...
Tinplate Souvenir Musical Box of Bonn, c. 186...
Early Musical Box Tabatière by F. Lecoultre, ...
Musical Snuff Box by F. Lecoultre, c. 1830...
Viennese Musical Clock, c. 1820...
Key-Wind Musical Box in Carved Case, c. 1880...
Rare Musical Picture Clock of St. Stephen's C...
Silver-Gilt Musical Snuff Box, c. 1830...
"Laurencekirk" Musical Snuff Box, c. 1830...
Rare Musical Writing Necessaire by Chapuis-Zo...
Alfred Chapuis and Edouard Gélis "Le Monde de...
Musical Snuff Box, c. 1860...
Unusual Miniature Musical Traveling Case by B...
Early Musical Clock Base, c. 1830...
Interchangeable "Multiphone" Manivelle Musica...
3 Rare Clock Specialist Books by Alfred Chapu...