2 x Super-Nettel (536/24), 1934...
Super-Nettel (536/24), 1935...
Super Nettel II, 1936...
4 x Zeiss Super Ikonta, 1934–1937...
4 x Zeiss Super Ikonta, 1934–1938...
4 x Zeiss Super Ikonta, 1934–1952...
4 Zeiss Cameras...
Contax I, Version 4, Spring 1933...
Contax I, Version 4, 1933...
Contax I, Version 6, 1934/35...
Contax I, IIa and Lenses...
Contax II (543/24) with Sonnar 2/5 cm, 1936...
Contaflex IV with Steritar A, c. 1957...
Contax IIa with Stereotar C 3,5/35 mm...
Verant Stereo Viewer 9 x 18, c. 1925...
Zeiss Ikon Stereotar C 4/3,5 cm for Contax, 1...
2 Zeiss Stereo Attachments...
Zeiss Stereotar C 4/3,5 cm for Contax, 1941...
Zeiss Lenses for Contax and Tenax...
Contaflex TLR, 1935...
Zeiss Miroflex B (859/7), c. 1927...
Contarex I (Bull's Eye), Sonnar 4/250 mm, 196...
Contax IIa, IIIa and other Cameras...
Contarex I "Bull's Eye" with Planar 2/50 mm, ...
S-Planar 4/50 mm for Contarex, 1963...
Contarex PA-Curtagon 4/35 mm, 1969...
Vario-Sonnar 4,0/85–250 mm (Contarex), 1970...
Zeiss "Panflex" Reflex Attachment for Contax...