2 Ambrotypes, c. 1850...
Daguerreotypie, c. 1850...
Daguerreotype 1/6 Plate, c. 1845–50...
3 Daguerreotypes...
4 Daguerreotypes (Portraits of Ladies), c. 18...
Daguerreotype (Portrait of a Gentleman), c. 1...
2 Daguerreotypes (Mother with Child), c. 1845...
2 Daguerreotypes, c. 1850...
Daguerreotypes (Portrait of a Lady), c. 1850...
Daguerreotype (Portrait of a Child), c. 1845–...
Daguerreotype, c. 1845...
5 Daguerreotypes, c. 1845...
2 Daguerreotypes and 2 Ambrotypes, c. 1850–60...
Daguerreotype "Wilhelmine Buin", 1846...
Daguerreotype (W. Scott), c. 1850...
Daguerreotype "Hutchinson Daguerreotypist", c...
Daguerreotype, c. 1850...
Daguerreotype "Ida Klein", c. 1845–50...
Daguerreotype (Portrait of a Lady), c. 1845–5...
Daguerreotype (in Unusual Case), c. 1850–60...
Union Case with Daguerreotype, c. 1857...
Daguerreotype by J.E. Mayall, c. 1846...
Earrings with Daguerreotypes, c. 1850...
3 Daguerreotypes (1 /6 Plate), c. 1850...
Union Case with Daguerreotypes, c. 1856...
2 Small Daguerreotypes, c. 1845–50...
2 Daguerreotypes, c. 1850...
2 Daguerreotypes (1/6 Plate), c. 1845–50...
2 Daguerreotypes (1/6 Plate), c. 1850...
Stereo Daguerreotype "Stereoscop T. Schneider...
3 Ambrotypes (Various Countries), c. 1855–60...
3 Ambrotypes, c. 1850–55...
2 Ambrotypes (Hand-Colored), c. 1850–60...
Union Case with 4 Ambrotypes, c. 1855...
Ambrotype "New's Photographic Portrait Galler...
Panoramic Picture "Detachment, 240th Coy., A....
Amphora Porcelain Vase with Photograph, c. 19...
3-Color Negatives (after System Miethe), c. 1...
4 Photographs, c. 1880–1900...
Musical Photographic Album, c. 1890...
2 Autochrome Plates 13 x 18 cm, c. 1912...
Original Miethe's Three-Color Negative by Ber...
3-Color Negatives (after System Miethe), c. 1...
"Erinnerung an …" (Memories of …) and other P...
Little Collection of Photo Pictures...
"Ansichten von Kulmbach u. Umgebung", c. 1910...
Photographic Album, c. 1880...
"Cato" Pictures Viewer, 1930s...
Viewer with Distorting Mirror, c. 1920–30...
4 Graphoscopes and 1 Viewer, 1890–1910...
3 Viewers...
Approx. 420 Cartes-de-Visite and Cabinet Pict...
Japanese Photographic Album, c. 1900...
Photo Album "Rome", 1901–02...
Kodak Photo Album with Panoramic Pictures, c....